Catholic Magazine & Mobile App Subscription

The Ember Subscription

You’ve found the wellness magazine subscription for Catholic women in pursuit of wholeness & holiness. Print & digital options, both with app access, offering resources for holistic health, nutrition, and wellness. Both options include our quarterly ad-free magazine, in print or digital format.

In our app you will find our entire recipe archive for seasonal and liturgical eating, fasting and feasting, with meal planning tips as well. You will also receive inspiration for Catholic living, in the home, in relationships, and in daily life. 

What you'll get:

This subscription is for you if:

  • You are looking for a community of likeminded Catholic women with similar interests in holistic wellness and their faith.
  • You’ve been searching for an all-in-one place for resources relating to health and faith.
  • You are an Ember subscriber looking to round out your collection of content from missed issues.
  • You want a comprehensive archive of recipes for every season.

What is inside the app?


You will have opportunities to work 1:1 with Ember and Ember trusted practitioners based on functional lab work. Lab work options includes Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), GI Map, and functional blood work. 


You will have access to our full symptom burden database: begin with our symptom burden quiz to see where your body may be most in need of support, and from there look up specific ways to support the targeted area.


You will find a prayer section containing prayers and devotions for all sorts of health illnesses, diseases, and injuries with a prayer petition feed.


You will have – at your fingertips – recipes, articles on health and wellness, liturgical living inspiration, seasonal guides, and so much more!

Catholic wellness subscription - app and magazine
Features for our magazine and app subscription

What women are saying...


 “The Ember Journal has always brought the things closest in my heart together in one place – hearth and home, beauty, my Catholic faith, family, and holistic wellness. The Ember App now allows me to connect with women striving after these same goods.

The tutorial, workshops, articles (and more!) tie together the work I do in the home with the work God is doing in His world. There are constant reminders that my daily nurturing is drawing from His, in my messy days I am not alone, and God seasonally gives me the food I need to nourish my family well.  

I’ve kept all my old journals, both because they are lovely and useful, but I’m excited to now have so much content collected in an easy-to-navigate app!

It’s obvious that great intentionality and love was poured into this app. I especially appreciated the library section “Motherhood: for all stages,” which went well past the fourth trimester and contained information for up to three years beyond pregnancy! The “Pray” section contained prayers for so many of the conditions and difficulties that trouble women, along with the Litany of Wellness which beautifully sums up this Collective’s mission.” – China W.


“As someone who tries to stay off of social media, the Ember app is the perfect balance of information, discount codes and community without the endless scrolling. I love to keep my Ember journals to browse through as the seasons change and am grateful that I can now access this online resource in addition to them. I love Ember’s mission – holistic wellness with eternity in mind – and this new app feels like an organic extension of their mission. If you have been on the fence about subscribing to the magazine, now is the perfect time to take the plunge and enjoy the Ember App as well as a beautiful seasonal magazine that will encourage you to pursue your health in light of eternity.” -Rebecca C.


“The Ember Collective team has created an amazing resource that you can easily take with you on the go. The app features everything you love that is included in the printed Ember Journal (articles, recipes, meditations, health & wellness tips) and offers a new way to get connected with a digital (or local!) community. This is a great resource that offers a rich collection of tools to live a holistic & Catholic life!”

Frequently asked questions:

Do I have to download the app onto my phone?
Nope! It is a web-based app. You can choose to download it onto your home screen on your phone, or you can simply login online when convenient for you. It is optimized for desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. 
What if I just want the Journal, and no app?
We will still be selling single journal issues in our shop! The price going forward will be $28 (no more shipping charge!). These, of course, are limited in stock and begin shipping after subscriptions are completed. But this will always be an option!
After I subscribe, how do I download the app?
Once you subscribe, your email is automatically hooked up to the app. Shortly after you subscribe, you will receive an email from us with a link to login, at which point you will be prompted to create a password. You will also have the option to download the app to your phone.
How do the payments sync up with printed journal shipments?
When you subscribe, you are charged the initial $10. You will then be charged on the first of every month following until you cancel. You are required to have at least three payments prior to receiving a print journal. So if you sign up in June, you will receive an issue in August because you have paid June, July, and August. If you signup in July, you will (1) have immediate app access which includes the most current digital issue, (2) receive a special discount code for a fall print issue that you can use, and then (3) you will be scheduled to receive an issue through your subscription starting in November.
What if the email on my subscription is different from the one I will want to use for the app?
If you wish to login to the app with a different email (or if someone gifted the subscription to you, but their email is the one on file), then you can either change it in the app, or you can let us know and we can swap it out for you!
What happens to my app access if I cancel my journal subscription?
App access will be cancelled at the end of the billing period in which you cancelled your subscription. So if you were to cancel your subscription May 12th, you would continue to have app access until May 31st.
What if I have other questions?
Email us at hello {at} theember [dot] co!
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Hi, I’m Alyse! I’ve never been good at titles or labels defining who I am, but have been asking God recently to help me understand what it means to be HIS, to be a bride (I’m getting married in a few months!), to be a friend, to be a faithful follower. Health and whole body wellness has been my goal since shifting away from disordered eating and climbing out of depression and anxiety a few years ago.

It hasn’t been easy but understanding that my body needs true nourishment has inspired me to honor the life God has gifted me with. I have passions for baking, reading, and photography, and I’m always trying to be more present to see the beauty of life. I love the ocean and a good acai bowl, long conversations with earl grey tea, and the quiet of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. It often feels like a whirlwind of change in my life so I turn to writing and journaling as often as I can. Others’ writing and beautiful images greatly inspire me, and the Ember Journal has provided so much of that since last fall. Elissa & I became fast friends after we connected over her family’s chicken eggs (very on brand for us both!) and she shared how she was creating The Ember Journal, the plans they had for it, and even invited me to assist with cover shoots.

I’ve since come on board as operations assistant and love the work I get to do to help create a place for holistic growth for so many! I’m extremely grateful to be with like minded women who share the Catholic faith. I trust in God’s timing for gifts such as these- He’s always seen me through. Here’s to seeking the slow in the constant movement of life, to being intentionally present to the Lord, and living our lives fully!”
Hi there, I’m Ireland! Currently residing just outside Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, It’s been my mission the last couple of years to capture beauty in the slow and simple and to learn what rest and nourishment truly mean to one’s body. The Ember Journal has been a huge resource for that—not only in reference to health but also in the goodness of my heart.  While I am part of the Ember team here, I also run my own small business of brand design, media management, and curate a small shop of home goods.

Creation is my happy place. Growing something with my own hands and caring for that life reminds me just how much a small simple thing has such a large importance. God’s love in creation and all the healing it has to offer is incredibly mind boggling to me and it’s one reason I find The Ember Collective so beautiful. These days, I find a lot of joy in the simple acts of journaling, photography, homemaking, and creating and I’ve been blessed to be able to make a living in curating beauty. My life feels constantly expanding and quite often overwhelming so learning to meet Him in the quite and mundane has been a never ending practice over here.
I’m Elissa! First and foremost I am a beloved daughter of God currently in a season of rebuilding and resting in my true identity. Formerly a full time traveling wedding photographer, I left it all behind 2 years ago and moved back home to San Diego, CA to focus on regaining my health after physically hitting rock bottom.

The Ember Journal is truly a beauty from ashes endeavor for me. In my darkest hour, this project has been a Springtime of hope and given me purpose in this season of ‘pause’. Samantha and I initially connected on insta through the small Catholic photographer world and became friends as we discovered our shared passion for our faith, holistic health, homesteading, and the NTA (future goals). One day on the phone I shared with her some of the future desires God has placed on my heart and she immediately told me about Katie and this magazine idea – it was like all of our desires just fell into place.

Our overall vision for the Collective weaves so perfectly into each of our individual callings. He is so faithful. Holistic wellness became a way of life for me after chronic illness ravaged my life for many years. I would never have chosen this path for myself, but God has truly paved a way through the wilderness. Yes, I’m grateful for the knowledge I’ve gained about ancestral nourishment and tossing toxins but most especially the pruning and deep healing of the soul in the midst of suffering. Health, freedom, telling stories through photographs, creating a beautiful home, living off the land, and upholding Truth are a few things that light a fire under me. I have big dreams that reflect the garden of God’s vast goodness and my heart lies in journeying alongside others as we run toward Jesus – to dwell in the hidden refuge of His heart.

I’m Samantha! Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, wife and mama, plant lady, and lover of all things wild and free. We live in Omaha, Nebraska with our small flock of chickens and a city yard packed full of every kind of flower and growing thing I can get my hands on. Katie and I met while pursuing further education from the Nutritional Therapy Association and connected instantly over our faith, love for the church, and conviction that body and soul wellness must include an emphasis on nutrition.

I found the world of holistic wellness after having my son in 2018, when pregnancy and nursing pushed many of my health issues over the edge. PCOS and haywire hormones, gut issues, and everything that goes along with those had me asking lots of questions. He is so faithful. Holistic wellness became a way of life for me after chronic illness ravaged my life for many years.

I would never have chosen this path for myself, but God has truly paved a way through the wilderness. Yes, I’m grateful for the knowledge I’ve gained about ancestral nourishment and tossing toxins but most especially the pruning and deep healing of the soul in the midst of suffering. Health, freedom, telling stories through photographs, creating a beautiful home, living off the land, and upholding Truth are a few things that light a fire under me. I have big dreams that reflect the garden of God’s vast goodness and my heart lies in journeying alongside others as we run toward Jesus – to dwell in the hidden refuge of His heart.

Hello friends! I’m Katie and I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner living in Saint Paul, MN with my husband and two small children. My passion for holistic health began in my mid-twenties; years of heavy antibiotic usage, endometriosis (and “infertility”), and compounding stress left my body in a dreary state.

But always a doer, I sought authentic answers that medical professionals simply could not give. It all led me to finding ways to address my body as a whole – a path with a lot of detours along the way. Each year I find myself with more information, resources, and knowledge, and yet it often comes back to simply trusting the innate wisdom of the body. There is so much goodness to be found as we probe the beauty of His creation, and yet it always, always comes back to HIM. The Lord has a way of humbling us so that we keep turning to Him, never to glorify the things here below.

The Ember Journal began as a small endeavor with a modest vision. And yet, the holy Spirit brought this little team of women together and kept paving the way for something great. I am always inspired by Brother André Bessette in that no matter how small we begin, if it be the Lord’s will, He will bless it tremendously! Besides, I think we each needed an outlet to gush about this content we love so much, without bothering those patient souls closest to us with constant unsolicited health talk.